Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Drove into New Jersey from Pennsylvania. The surprise is that much of NJ is deeply forested, hilled, and rivered. Only when you get near the industrial portlands does it get rusty, grotty, and dirty. We're staying with an Australian friend who is house-swapping for a few weeks to be near Manhattan. Couldn't get much nearer, a shuttle bus gets to downtown NYC in 15 minutes for $3! Funky Hispanic neighbourhood, great views of skyline.

Walked over from the bus terminal to the High Line. This was an elevated train line that served industries such as meat packing in New York's heyday. It became derelict, weeded over, and condemned. But it's been rescued and revived as an elevated urban park, about a mile long.  Very cool, with thick greenery and whimsical art. So cool that a hotel has been built next to it ---- exhibitionists have a great time trying to shock New Yorkers that have seen everything! A real upper-level upper in creativity and city-saving. Something that Toronto needs in a big way.

Then today a 3-hour drive along Snookie's Jersey Shore to Atlantic City. You know, casinos, glitz, and Miss America pageants?? What a shock to find the famous boardwalk faded, almost deserted, and definitely disappointing (depressing?). The old section has the fake castles, turrets, and mega-parking structures with gaudy signs. The new section has bland and blank monoliths, even more severe in the fog. The slots spin no matter what, but for us it was a real downer. Highlight of the day?? ---- the salad bar at Ruby Tuesdays!

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