Sunday, May 20, 2012

13 Nov. 2011: THE FIGHT TO SEE THE WARRIORS #1 of 2

Yesterday was our epic trip to Xi'An, an ancient Chinese capital and resting place of a top UNESCO sight in the world --- the Terra Cotta Warriors. So much happened that I'm splitting the day into two blog posts. We went the way I like it, on our own with no language, no map, and some expectations that turned out to be wrong. 

The only way to do the 1000km round trip in a day is on the bullet train, our first! It is so smooth, quiet, clean, and bilingual that there is almost no sense of stress or speeding at about 300 km/h. The scenery was polluted skies and thousands of construction cranes, building apartments next to coal burners or nuclear plants! Once in Xi'An, the best strategy is to find young people to help ---- they just might have enough English to help arrange transportation. So I flagged down some passing skaters and did some bargaining and off we went in the jail-like back seat of a BYD taxi.  

Somehow I had envisioned the warriors would be accessed through fields and huts ---- wrong. There is a mile-long hike through souvenir stands, photo-ops with replica bronzes, ticket booths, and hundreds of guys selling the same cigar-box full of mini- warriors. The actual UNESCO site is housed in 4 buildings: a museum and the 3 real "pits" where the excavations are still going on. The other blog today will show what's inside, the holy grail of this day. 

Returning to Xi'An we wandered through a large Chinese-Muslim district that has been here for 700 years.More mob scenes, but with a literally different flavour. More help from both a young local couple, and even 2 blonde Norwegian girls got us to the sparkling new subway. Which took us back to the more-sparkling new train station. We got home by 10pm but at 295 km/h!! You had to be there.

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