Sunday, May 20, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving to all you Americans back there, gorging on turkey and football games.  Turkey is not gobbled here. The only place for your traditional dinner and Touchdown TV here would be in the big business hotels downtown. Enjoy, and Go Lions!

We're in a northwestern suburb of Shanghai called Jaiding, probably 25 miles from those big hotels. But it still feels like a big city around our neighbourhood. I took a walk up and down a main road, just checking out the scene. The morning commute includes bikes/scooters/cars/buses/trucks, even Maseratis and rollerblades! Snack stops are everywhere. Canals are not swimmable but handy for everything from garbage boats to construction barges. There's an opera house that doubles as a tai chi venue. A guy stoops into a cooking pot, welding the thing inches from his face.

One of my favourites is a bronze piece spanning Chinese history from Confucius to the modern working girl. Is she making out her Black Friday shopping list? And could that last guy be Santa practising??

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