Sunday, May 20, 2012

15 Nov. 2011: MEALS AND MUMS

Halfway into our stay in Zhengzhou, the university vice-president hosted another --- oh no!  ---- banquet in our honour. We're not sure if it's a hello or goodbye. The VP drank more than he ate, so the company was lively although the food was as challenging as ever. He kept topping up a clear firewater that was 52 proof, higher octane than local fuel. Pat heroically downed hers in many toasts. I sipped for Team Canada.

There was some tut-tutting that we had made "private travel" on the weekend, so they were determined to take us somewhere officially. Since there was no free day to see the famous kungfu Shaolin Temple, it was a quick 50km dash to Keifeng. It was once an imperial capital, but built too close to the Yellow River. After 368 floods in the last 700 years, the original city is now 25 feet under mud. It's also the first city in China where Jewish merchants settled when they arrived centuries ago along the Silk Road. Both Pat and I were asked if we were Jewish --- must be my nose??

Off to a kind of historical theme park of the Sung Dynasty. Built on the old Emperor's palace and lakes, it was a pleasant stroll but in dim polluted air. We thought our escort said "Do you want to see?" but it was actually "Do you want seeds?" and before you know it we were feeding pigeons! We watched a reenactment of an ancient Chinese team sport, a combination of hackey sack and basketball. Pat braved an obstacle course, climbing a moving chain staircase and swinging like Tarzan.
But Pat got her just rewards when we encountered the last days of the 29th Keifeng Chrysanthemum Festival. So great to see colours, topiary, and really creative displays made from mums. The rabbit was celebrated because it is the last months of the Chinese Year of the Rabbit.
We thought the day was over when darkness fell but oh no, another meal! 16 mysterious dumplings and a potfull of glooey soup. Where's that firewater when I need it?!?!

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