Sunday, May 20, 2012

08 Nov. 2011: NOW, WHERE WAS I??

It's been a very frustrating 4 days of trying to get an internet connection in the apartment. If this blog gets out there, there will be lots more. But let's back up...

Nice people saw us off at Beijing airport, even though Pat had to pay excess baggage due to all
the gifts. Nice people greeted us in Zhengzhou (jeng-Joe). We were taken to the top of 11 floors (elevator this time) to the apartment for foreign teachers. About 500 sq. ft. with hot shower and minimal cooking facilities, not even a plate. It only took one night to realize why everyone eats on the street.

Zhengzhou is a small town, only about 7 million, and it feels like it. We are stared at constantly (Pat's blond hair, my blue eyes) and sometimes greeted with a shy "Hello". There is no English signage or familiar shops, not even a KFC or McD's. It is a true Chinese immersion experience. But we have settled in, had another challenging 2-hour banquet, Pat has started her classes, and I will venture on a bus tomorrow for the central city.

No phone, TV, or internet for 4 days--- try that in your daily life. No phone because "money not paid". No internet because "bad inside". No TV also because "money not paid" but when the cable guy showed up, he pointed out there is no English-language TV anyway. So I hope you get this blog. And you can call us at 0371-67359031 after 7pm eastern China time! (Japan, India, and China do NOT change to Savings Time). Welcome back!

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