Sunday, May 20, 2012


On our last Vancouver day we drove around some familiar scenic spots, in the drizzle. Over the bridge, through the urban jewel Stanley Park, past the iconic totems (is that redundant?). The building where I was based during the 2010 Olympics is now a convention centre but was locked and unoccupied, a Cinderella in reverse. The Olympic Flame cauldron is still en site but without the flames is moody, like the same Cinderella awaiting the next kiss. 

Out to the airport for our 9th flight of this trip, but the most anticipated one because we were on the last leg home. If you've ever lost luggage, that may be it out on the tarmac ---- dozens of vehicles just drove on past! Four and a half hours going east again, so a quick sunset just over the Rocky Mountains. (Another aside about Air Canada ---- on this extended flight, NO meals included! Only beverages offered: fortunately we had packed a sandwich and snacks. I'm not a demanding passenger, but c'mon guys.) A bit of a thrill when the in-flight map showed we were flying over our home; can you spot the barn?? 

Straightforward baggage pickup (that wasn't ours on the tarmac!) but then a 2+ hour wait for the Grey-Bruce Shuttle another 2+ hours to Owen Sound. Only other passengers were a chatty young woman who seemed intellectually deprived and asked serious questions about China and education. And a retired couple returning from Australia where they had visited family over the holidays. From Owen Sound it would have been a cold cab ride 15 miles to home but the same couple, complete strangers, drove us all the way to Kemble!! More angel stuff, and some new friends. 

Trudged up the hill in thin snow by 2:30 in the morning. Turned on the electricity, water, hot water tank, and fireplace ---- everything OK! Slept some but by dawn still jet-lagged. Three time zones are still fighting for supremacy --- are we in Saigon, Vancouver, or Ontario? 

But the dim sunrise and warming fire answered that one --- we're home, safely after 81 days. This is the last blog entry of this adventure. We'll commune with winter for a couple of weeks, then I get to drive back to Florida for a while. Thanks to all of you who kept in touch with our journey. Stay tuned for the next one, but right now there's some chickadees looking for a meal ---- maybe they fly AC too?

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