Sunday, May 20, 2012

21 Nov. 2011: WHAT IS SAT-SHANG-SUN?

Did you think Sat-Shang-Sun was a Chinese warrior? Nope, it's our journey from Saturday to Shanghai to Sunday! But it sounds possible, doesn't it?

We strolled through the Friday Night Market in Zhenghzhou for the last time. The frenzy (especially girls) buying anything in sight is hard to put in words. (Shopzillas?). Saturday morning our Fixer (English name "Peace") took us out to the airport. We have much more luggage than on a backpacking trip because of Pat's teaching materials and wardrobe. The airport was modern but stuffy and the prickly heat became worse when our flight was delayed an hour and a half.

The welcome at Shanghai airport was also very warm but in a good way, with the Vice Dean coming out in suit and tie. But once he left, our new Fixer (English name "Bill') was all efficiency and business. Before we could snack or unpack, He gave Pat a tour of her office, classroom, bicycle, cafeterias, and campus. Finally in our room, he spent an hour getting the phone and lights to work ---- duh, he's a Fixer!---again before we could unpack. I'm writing this on his personal internet access because he couldn't figure out our broadband connection.

Eventually we wandered outside for survival groceries. It is a much quieter, leafy shopping street than we left. The only thing we could stomach in this morning's hotel breakfast was boiled eggs and a hot rice water. So we crossed the street and sat down for some tea with --- you guessed it --- Mr. Sat Shang Sun!

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