Sunday, May 20, 2012

03 Mar 2012: GETTING HOT, HOT, HOT!

Last sunSET before we drove over to the sunRISE side on March  1. Heavy fog became 85F hot sun as we passed 4 cruise ships hogging the canal.   Met by our landlady Olga who Russian-sweetly explained the apartment. We're in   an Art Deco neighbourhood with houses and trees put in in 1936. That was the   depth of the Depression so they're all different 2-storey flats with lots of   shade. Our 400 sq. ft. place seems big after the 210 sf cubby hole of   February. But first day we found (a) our favourite food store from last year  had been demolished (b) the laundromat only took sold-out prepaid cards, (c)   the local swimming pool is closed for reno, and (d)the rabbit-eared TV gets 17   channels, 18 of which are good for practice in Spanish. Oh, and there's no   parking with the apartment, so we have to stealth park each evening -----   can't tell you where because the cops might be listening!

But it's  great to be back in Miami Beach. As Pat put it, it's a city like no other with  the clean bright colours, historic architecture, and the Hispanic vibe.   Spanish, French, Russian, and yes, even some English are heard in the blocks  around us. The streets and beaches are buzzing with music, styles, and  attitude. Like a real energy drink, with no calories but lots of good side  effects!!
March is also the thickest month of festivals, big-time   sports, concerts, and opportunities to be bad. Tonight for example we're going   to have a look at the "Hottest Winter Party Beach Party", a 4-block walk from   here. I think I'd better wear my pads....

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