Sunday, May 20, 2012


The overcast and rain continue here at "Vietnam's best beach". We had booked a place online for 6 nights, then reduced it to 4 because of the weather forecast. We should have made it 2 nights at most. No sun, no swim in our planned R&R. Today we found out that the 27th tropical storm of the season is bearing down on Vietnam. Hurricanes here are not given people's names as in Katrina or Hazel or Wilma. Instead, they are named after objects. This one is Wishi. It means the very very thin Japanese paper used in origami folding. Can you see any connection??

So after our first egg breakfast in a long time, we took a walk in a different direction to explore. Kid going to daycare being seen off by grampa. A wedding of mixed tribes. And the French colonial Catholic cathedral looking like a medieval fort. But the flags are snapping in the 50 mph wind and the surf pounds as a preview of Washi. We leave for a hill village in the interior early tomorrow. Da Lat here we come. We no wishey for Washi.

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