Sunday, May 20, 2012


Calle Ocho (“8th Street”)is the centre of Hispanic/Cuban culture in Miami and on any day it’s a feast of sights, savories, and Spanish-only. But yesterday was el ultimo, the Biggest Latin-American Street Party in the World. About a million Latinos (bona fide OR honorary like us)packed 15 blocks of Calle Ocho to be blasted by 11 thumping sound stages and hundreds of street food stalls. Every Latin American country was proudly represented by flags, foods, and flagrant foolishness.

I read that back home in Ontario there has been record-breaking warmth, with no trace of snow. But Calle Ocho sets Guiness Records every year. One year Gloria Estefan led the World’s Longest Conga Line (200,000+). Another year they made the World’s Longest Cigar (Cuban, get it??). And yesterday they created the Most Flags Tied Together As One. To emphasize the theme of One World, the flags of 287 different countries were stitched together covering two blocks, and held up in the breeze for 287 seconds. Can you find yours in this aerial view?
My personal record came this morning on a walk by a canal. It’s the Closest I’ve Ever Come to a Manatee. About 2 feet away, the sea cow was munching on mussels attached to the sea wall. A real wow. Then it casually samba’d away, in the direction of Calle Ocho!

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