Sunday, May 20, 2012


Bike Week ended on Sunday and the silence is deafening. The mobs and noise and chaos lasted to the end, with bike wheels lit up as red as many riders' bloodshot eyes. (Too much alcohol or too little sleep?) The very next morning, $10 t-shirts were on sale 6 for $20. $135 motel rooms now go begging for $35. Oh, and 8 people died on motorcycles over the week ----- most because they weren't wearing a helmet. Duh.

On a quieter note, spring officially arrived with a gentle sea-rise and high tide. (Locals say it has been spring weather since January 20.) Then, as a homecoming gift to Florida, Spring brought rain for a couple of minutes! Much needed for the many grass fires and parched lawns. Who knew there was pizza at the end of a rainbow?? Other signs of spring are nesting eagles, and big cabbages in community gardens.Next up ---- Easter! Does the Bunny bring Easter eggs on a bicycle??

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