Sunday, May 20, 2012


We like being at 10th and Meridian because we're literally in the centre of Art Deco South Beach. It's 4 blocks to the ocean, the night scene, or the seaport but still in a residential neighbourhood. Things are pretty familiar from last year's stay, like the surf or the nightly neon-coloured circus. The men still get frisky, Lincoln Mall still gets mega-busy but casual. What's new to me is the mobile synagogue ---- perfect for a break from shopping! Have the Presbyterians got mobility??

The daytrip to Key West is also a standard ritual, but the scenery is spectacular every time. Not surprised to see 3 cruise ships in port at once. A new street-act at Mallory Square is the Red Pants Guys (they say they have a website!). Funny patter, great audience participation, and a killer ladder finale. We estimate they take in hundreds of dollars a night ---- cash! Then the sunset makes the crowds go "OOOOOhhhhhh" and burst into applause. Then we drive home, 3 1/2 hours in silky warm tropical breezes.
Oh ---- the sumo guy is a new bike horn! Where  do you suppose you squeeze to get him to honk??

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