Sunday, May 20, 2012

28 Oct. 2011: The Summer Palace

Thanks for all your responses from the
first Blog post via email.The Blog will continue to be sent out this way throughout China...
We were taken to the historic Summer Palace, a spot considered as mandatory to explore as The Great Wall. Now within Beijing city limits (and on the subway) the Palace was originally how the
emperor escaped the brutal summer heat. He and his entourage basically went to the cottage! Central Beijing is flat but the Palace was built where the hills and lakes begin to the northwest. It's about 600 acres of stone paths, gardens, waterways, and elaborate buildings such as Temple of Heaven, Longevity Hill, Hall of Benevolence, Fragrance Pavilion, and Cloud Dispelling Hall (which doesn't seem to be working, downtown at least).
The origins are ancient, but the 18th century Emperor had 100,000 of his loyal subjects deepen and expand the lake. Over time foreign troops burned and vandalized the place, but it has always
been rebuilt and restored. The Empress Cixi left her mark with the incredible and unsailable Marble Boat. Etc., etc., etc.

I wanted to see the qilin, a hybrid animal that only appears on earth at times of harmony, so no surprise that it was boarded up! But the place is fantastical in the amount of work, art, landscaping, and mythology. With elements of the Pyramids, Macchu Piccchu, BoruBadur, Acropolis, and other UNESCO Heritage Spots the Summer Palace should be on your world bucket list. Check!

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