Sunday, May 20, 2012


Saigon has the biggest concentration of motorbikes in the world. They flood every street, sidewalk, alley, park, vacant lot, and hotel lobby. I would say Hondas are about 85%, then Yamahas, Suzukis. Italian Lambrettas and Vespas, Korean Kaelims, Russian Minsks, and more and more Chinese Syms and Lifans. They date from the early 1960's and are used for everything in daily life ----remember these bikes have less than 10 horsepower! The buzz and beeps are incredible, like relentless bees attacking uncountable Donald Ducks. It is no exaggeration to say there are millions of motorbikes in motion at any time. What a treat for a bike-spotter ---- wild colour combos and personalized decals, deadbeat decrepit to owner prideful. It's common to see families of 4 on one bike, I have seen 5 and a dog! Helmets have been required since 1995 ---can you spot any offenders? 

I am in fantasyland because I have had a Honda since I was 16, the first vehicle ever licensed in my name. I blew the motor in 1972 going 60 mph on Highway 401 near the Toronto Airport. Worst part was walking it home 10 miles. Ever since I have carted this bike wherever I've moved, many times and cities. And my quest for a replacement motor finally ended in Mexico where I got a used and smaller engine, took it home (leaking oil) in my backpack, and bolted it in. It runs but somehow is 25% slower (is that because I am 25% heavier than in high school??).

I thought for sure I would find a correct replacement engine here, in the mecca of all Hondas. Turns out it IS available, be strong my beating heart! But I would have to bargain on the price. It would be leaking oil in my backpack again, and cost extra baggage fees. On top of that, I would have to get Export Permit($) and run the risk getting it into Canada as non-commercial. The tape would be as red as the paint colour. 

So instead the quest turns to that faraway place known as Internet. There are NEW replacement engines available from an impeccable Chinese source who has copied them because the 30-year copyright has expired, and the market is huge around the world. So I hope to be zooming up and down Grey Road #1 this spring.  But the dream will be to join the Buzz of the Bees in Saigon!

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