Sunday, May 20, 2012

31 Oct. 2011: In our neigh*BOO*urhood

Not much sign of Hallowe'en here. We're far north of downtown, in a bland district of old+new, homes+businesses. On this side of the boulevard are older strips of storefronts, everything
from car parts to beer wholesalers. Lots of pop-up sidewalk business such as bike repairs and a haircutting chair. On the other side are 5-storey fashion plazas, grocery, and even an upscale coffee shop: lattes about $2.50! With an elevated subway station and 12 lanes of get-the-hell-out-of-my-way traffic, Beiyuan Lu is a major intersection.
I saw one kid with a carved pumpkin ---
turned out he was at an international school where they celebrate everything. Otherwise, the
nearest trick or treat might be in your neighbourhood tonight! Please send leftover candy to me in BOOjing.

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