Sunday, May 20, 2012

09 Nov. 2011: TAKING #95 SOUTH #2 of today

 The first sunny day since we arrived in China! A good omen as I crowd onto bus #95 going south to the city centre. At a fare of 16 cents, it's an hour's great sightseeing ride into denser and denser
downtown. Traffic is ridiculous, with all vehicles traveling in all lanes and directions. Buses, trucks, scooters, bikes, and handcarts just go where they want and other drivers just honk and keep going. My bus slams through potholes and screeches into the turns. Hang on!

Every view is either surprising or puzzling or amazing. On the right, what looks like 1000's of high school kids are jogging in packs of 500 around a track, no slackers. On the left is the only Mustang I've seen in China . No idea how it could get here but it's a touch of home..

The train station is huge, with the plaza populated by arrivals from the countryside, all hoping for jobs that are becoming scarce as China slows down. Thousands of scooters and bikes are crammed together like rice in a sack. And even though every law and rule of driving is completely ignored, there's a cop giving a ticket to the unluckiest guy in town! Moms and a mosque. I had gone to the station to check out times and fares for a trip to Xi'an on the weekend. Please read the schedule and let me know....

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