Sunday, May 20, 2012

08 Dec. 2011: BOATBED AND BUNGALOW #3 of 5

After the caves, we spent the rest of the day gliding among the jolly green giants. More spectacular angles, more laughs with our newly-accredited guide "Hero". One of our small bunch of 12 was a French sketcher who impressed everyone with his quick takes on the towering shapes. The trip got better as we spent the night on board, in a cozy berth with windows open to the sea and its phantoms. Yummy and filling meals in dimlit dining. Pat couldn't resist a pair of pearl earrings from the local waters. It's her birth stone, plus she impressed the other passengers with her knowledge of colour and shape. They're real and they're spectacular, just at a great price.  We fished for squid off the deck, and resisted the crew's attempts to ruin the quiet with karaoke!

Next morning was more rain, strong Vietnamese coffee, a full egg breakfast, and more admiring the views. The feature of Day 2 was supposed to be R&R at a secluded cove with beach bungalows. Very pretty setup and it would be glorious on a sunny day. Instead, we commiserated about the rain with a bunch of teenagers from New Zealand on a school trip now that their summer is starting. Wet kayaks, hot showers, long card  games. Is that what Robinson Crusoe did?

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