Sunday, May 20, 2012


The pace has really slowed down as we laze in this beach town. Not enjoying the South China Sea yet, but a warm sun did break through a lot today. Walking in all directions gives you a feeling for the place ---- there are hundreds of hotels like ours, jammed in the side streets. And hundreds of places to eat, from a cheese baguette cart to rows of Vietnamese, Mexican, Italian, Indian, French, German, Texas(!), and Russian restaurants. Like the Quebecois visitors here, we know a bargain and our breakfast favourite is the Des Amis. Art in pancakes and the best prices on Tran Phu strip. Also, it's fun to order and greet in both of Canada's official languages.

The PAT-RICK sign blinks at the end of our alley all day, as if we need reminding. Other street sights include wedding receptions, Ferrris wheel along the beach boardwalk, a WELCOME sign cut into the shrubbery and visible to incoming flights. Patriotic billboards urging vigilance against the foe. Russian is the second-most common language here ---- read this sign and tell me if they mangle Russian as much as they do English?!?! And the Russians cut quite a figure in their thongs on the beach. Not.

There are thousands of motorbikes and no gas stations. Where do they gas up? Often there's just a plastic bottle of gasoline on a shop sidewalk. But here's a deluxe gas pump, complete with 92 octane rating!

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