Sunday, May 20, 2012


Our neighbour down the hill showed us a pile of a bear's calling card the other day. Amazingly, the bear had dumped right at the roadside ---- what a drive through!  Then we started noticing damage around our own house. A mason bee box had been torn apart. The pole-mounteed bird feeder was smashed. A hanging feeder had been carried off and destroyed. Yup, we've got a bear.

Not hard to find more evidence. The window sill and feeder pole have bearpaw scratches. Clear footprints in the soft ground are 6" in length ---- an adult black bear, common around here. And if you're still skeptical, how about the greasy turd mound on the lawn?? Too big for a racoon, too little for a passing elephant.

I repaired the pole feeder and rigged up some motion detector lights --- if we're feeding the critter, at least we should get a sighting?! Settled in at the window for a long night's vigil. By midnight, all we had was a reluctant racoon and droopy eyelids. So if you've got bleeding hearts for the bear, so do we!

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