Sunday, May 20, 2012

18 Dec. 2011: DA LAT, DE-LIGHT

Got 8 million out of the ATM last night. Vietnamese dong, that is. About $400 and should cover 15 days room and meals! Tropical storm Washi still raining on us but took a bus up to the central highlands. The zigzag road over the mountains was washed out and rutted for most of the way, so took 6 hours to go 200 km. Somehow I imagined Da Lat as a small village with narrow muddy lanes and droopy tin roofs. NOT! It is the centre of massive greenhouse crops and the biggest variety of fruits and veggies in the country. More on that in the next blog. 

Pleasantly surprised at the clean air, but Pat belatedly tried on some facemasks anyway. The rain had even stopped once we got on the inland side of the mountains (5000 feet elevation). For $10, took  a 370 sq. ft. room with wifi, fridge, TV etc., --- and 3 double beds.( For 2 people! Any ideas out there??) This is a very prosperous town, as in a lot of Christmas decor and many high-end furnishing shops, for the locals not the travelers. Filled up on mango chicken with cashews on rice for dinner. Then couldn't resist the French pastry shops, mobbed with Sunday night munchie-people. Cake or chocolate croissants?

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