Sunday, May 20, 2012

16 Nov. 2011: STREET BANQUET!

Some of you have written, worried that we would gain weight from all the official banquets! Just the opposite, as very few of the dishes are appetizing in taste, texture, or presentation. We have to sample everything, but there aren't many second helpings.

The real banquets take place all day long just outside our building, where the sidewalk is lined with hundreds of food carts and stalls. The mobs of students here like the fast, cheap, filling varieties. We still have to sample everything, but there are several dishes that we've had more than once. We usually bring it up to the apartment, put it into bowls, and add a beer (Pat) or ice tea/Coke (me). Take a look at these gourmet delights ---- which one have we had more than all the others combined??

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