Sunday, May 20, 2012


The weather has changed to drizzly cool rain and we are in our last week in China. Had a chance to walk the neighbourhood on the last sunny day. Surprise! --- there's a mini-Venice just a few blocks away. There are so many canals and waterways in Shanghai that there are also many houses and streets built right up to the water. Ancient pagoda, family with waterfront, even dyed pussy willows (do we have that?) at the flower shop.

Also in this neighbourhood mashup is a strollers' park dedicated to Confucius, complete with fishing pond. A communication tower you can visit ---- but notice there's no elevator, just a stair climb up the middle. A very large sign that tells you how noisy the traffic is, in decibels!  Crowds at the pork counter. And some choices at our "canteen" where we eat what the students do. Those bowls are about 40 cents each but that white base is tofu or lotus root. What, you expected fries or mashed?

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