Sunday, May 20, 2012


Hugely different double header yesterday. Decided to watch Whitney Houston's service to see how long it would hold my attention. Turned out to have highs and lows: inspiring, joyful, insightful and held me for all 4 hours! Costner and Davis a bit too ego-driven. But I wouldn't mind going to a church that sings and hell-fires like that. Many voices for a very beautiful The Voice.

But a local tree reminded me it's Carnaval time in the world. Couldn't get to Rio or New Orleans or Sydney this time. Almost as good, went over to Ybor City, the historic neighbourhood of Tampa, for the annual Night Parade of The Krewes. Tampa has a heritage of Pirates ("krewes" = crews, get it?)  and Cuban cigar makers and immigrant social centres. They all came together in a crazy, ear-splitting, zany-coloured procession of hundreds of floats/bands/street pirates. The crowd of about 130,000 lined 7th Street to beg/kiss/scream/lurch for ---- beads! Beforehand we thought we'd be lucky to get a string or 2. But the beads came raining down from balconies, thrown from the floats, and just plain kept emerging in the warm night air.
It's amazing what people of all ages will do for a string of beads. The pretty girls in cutoff shorts standing next to me somehow got a neckfull just by batting their eyes. I had to kiss pirates' wenches and pose for snapshots for many of mine. Good thing I hadn't shaved for 4 days ---- my stubble was my pirate gear!! Pat screamed and cajoled for hers, especially to the cigar-chomping firemen. My ears are still ringing. We did all right with hundred of different colours and shapes. But the noise and pure shouts of joy on the street were the best uplift we've had since the 2010 Olympics. Which of today's double header would you prefer??

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