Sunday, May 20, 2012

20 Dec. 2011: THE VALLEY OF LOVE #4 of 5

The road out of the train station is slippery with oil because it's being resurfaced for the big Flower Festival. Nothing like fishtailing your bike at 64.5 kph. Got straightened out in a hurry because the next stop on our Easy Rider tour was straight north about 5 km to the Valley of Love. So named by university students in 1972 who needed a place to make out. It's a love-theme park surrounding a lake. Da Lat is the honeymoon capital of Vietnam, but even the locals call this place tacky. Romantically-themed props and statues are scattered every 20 paces. You sit on heart benches, walk past heart ponds, listen to cooing lovebirds, notice heart-shaped flamingo necks, and even stroll through a love nest! There are statues of wedding rings, naked couples (in very conservative Vietnam!?!?!), and photo ops framed by hearts and love notes. Really really kitschy-tacky, we wondered if this would work in Niagara Falls? 

Fortunately for the love self-starters like us there are also more overwhelming gardens to gawk at. I mean, it's December 20 and the hills are alive with blue and red and yellow and green all over. Enough to put the Girl over the moon, and the Guy hit a high note.

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