Sunday, May 20, 2012

27 Oct. 2011: First Impressions

Hi Everybody

As I was afraid of, my blog and apparently 27 million others (!) have been blocked from China. Some say it's a political fear of criticism, others say it's a money issue, with the authorities wanting Chinese websites to be used. We can read the blog here via round-about "proxy" tunnels, but I can't post anything new. Very very disappointing because everywhere you turn there is something interesting or bizarre to talk about and photograph. So I'm emailing some comments and pictures to addresses I know. Any anonymous followers are out of luck. Please let me know if you DON'T want to receive these and I will take you off the list. On the other hand, please forward these if you know someone else who would be interested. Thanks, and here we go...

Beijing is 12 time zones ahead of home, so I figure we're exactly halfway around the world. The flight was tedious and completely full with about 95% being Asians. But the seatback entertainment system was great ---- I watched the movies "Unknown" and of course "2 Cars" oops, I mean "Cars 2"! With no window to look out of, the 14 hours of limbo just plain had to be endured.

At customs (1 hour random lineup) everybody has their picture taken and you can give instant feedback by pressing buttons about good or bad service. Any guesses which button I pressed? At baggage (1 hour wait) I was sure my stuff had gone on to Mongolia.

The very kind people at Pat's university had someone there to meet me. Thank goodness, because the city is huge and chaotic. Sorry to say the air is awful --- I have to clear my throat and nose constantly and there is a perpetual grey haze where blue sky used to be.

But Pat was waiting as we climbed to the 5th floor apartment that will be home for the next 2 weeks. Great to be together again and catch up on all the news.

More on the apartment, the neighbourhood, and more. I just want to make sure this note and some photos get out...

I hope this works

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