Friday, March 11, 2011

A Visit to the Theme Park

You can't help but notice some common and repeating themes in biker culture in your face here. Bikers are from all ages, genders, races, professions, incomes, and countries of origin. Excuse my stereotyping, but most share a dresscode: club colours/patches, denim or leather, heavy boots, fishnet on women, and any colour as long as its black. And a look: heavy set, indifferent scowl, scraggy facial hair, silver bling, major tatooing. Bikers like to ride in packs and outdo each other in revving to make more noise than the next guy/girl. There's always the sight gags about bodily functions, and general teenage-level biker humour. Women are often groupies or party favours.

And what's with the preoccupation and display of skulls, bones, and death? Scary, morbid or funny?

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