Sunday, March 13, 2011

Devastation Unfolding in Japan

It is very awkward and guilty-making to be posting blogs about the festivities here while on the other side of the world the destruction and human suffering is unimaginably immense. The earthquake/tsunami tragedy in Japan is rightfully overwhelming the news. The pictures are numbing, the reports more and more shocking and all we can do is hope and pray for the Japanese to endure. The worst may be yet to come so today we are all Japanese.

There has been so much tragedy, in nature and manmade, in these months we've been away. Gulf oil spills, shootings in Arizona, quake in New Zealand, wildfires, Haiti ongoing, weather extremes, stupidity among professional sports players and owners. And of course the struggles for democracy in the Middle East and Canada. There is no holiday from this stuff.

But for today, the focus is on northern Japan. "KOUUN WO INORU": Good luck and godspeed.

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