Saturday, February 13, 2010

Opening Night Vancouver 2010

Last night brought huge crowds to the rainy streets: some to cheer the final legs of the torch, some to protest, some like us to take it all in. After witnessing rehearsals of the Opening Ceremonies, we watched the real thing on TV with other spellbound workers. The bonus was being by the permanent outdoor cauldron when Gretzky arrived in a pickup truck to light it up. Hard to say which was louder and more inspiring --- the cheers to "Go Canada Go" or the fireworks that blazed over the rings?

1 comment:

  1. Opening Ceremonies were AWESOME ! I wore my official red mittens and cheered on the US teams (and Canadian teams too!) The big lighted maple-leaf on the mountainside was fantastic! Like THE GREAT ONE said today, it would be great to have a hockey final between the US and Canada.

    Bob & Karen
