Saturday, February 6, 2010

Count by Olympic Two's: 2008, 2010, ?, 2014

My "job" is turning out to be way beyond what I had expected in terms of hours (a lot of overtime, sometimes 12-hours in the Buick) and experiences. I have met the friendliest and the UN-friendliest of passengers. And I really like the unpredictability of what, or who, will happen next. But those stories await...

The Past, Present, and Future are on display for the general public across False Creek from the Athletes' Village. Beijing(Olympics 2008) have posted greetings. That sign and the Chinese team's corner of the Village aim to the east and the local historic Chinatown. So it's also a greeting for Chinese New Year, which starts the day after the Games do.
The Present (Olympics 2010) is everywhere, but especially in the section where all the provinces and many participating countries have set up Welcome/Party Houses.

The Future (Olympics 2014) is claimed by Sochi Russia, the next Winter Games. They have taken over a local landmark building to showcase their event and winter athletes, even though 4 years away. I wonder what the world and the Olympics will look like then.

Notice a missing year in there? That's right --- where's 2012, the next Games in London? We have not seen any major display for London other than some minor signage at the Seabus. So for now, the future has skipped an Olympic beat!

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