Saturday, March 30, 2013


Readers of this blog from Australia, Yemen, and other countries have urged it to continue ---- so I'll try to put out an update once a week and see if that prevents an international incident! 

If the Inuit have 100 words for "snow", around here there are 100 words for sunrise, awesome and different every morning. The thaw brought some water in the basement, but not from cracked plumbing --- any guesses out there?? The first lakes freighter coasted by, bound for Wisconsin to pick up a load of coal. Crocuses and snow drops insisted on emerging, snow or not! An old tree trunk is full of holes, evidence that a big pileated woodpecker bugged out all winter. And the annual first sightings of deer, turkeys, fox, mason bees, robin, eagles, blue jays ---- even a mourning cloak butterfly fresh from overwintering in the underbrush!

While Pat was doing something useful (shoveling tracks so the van can come up the hill), Rick was playing with his tool ---- making an icehole of himself on the pond. Moments after the picture was taken, he went through the slush up to his ______? Maybe you Australians or Yemenis out there can suggest the word I'm looking for.

But wherever you are, may that special Bunny bring you treats and joy this weekend!

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