Friday, March 15, 2013


Only generalities to report during this past week, the second-last of this 3-month trip. Took the reliable slow ferry to the mainland on Tuesday. Wouldn't you know it rained off and on, making long hikes wet but not wild. Revisited some old haunts like a Hungarian Hamburger joint: closed til 2 pm :( ! And a favourite park where a mosaic mural was going up. But the only successful errand was when Pat got colourful fabric for her sister to sew dresses for lucky little girls among friends and family. Sewing is still a huge activity among Mexican women, with many fabric shops crammed to the ceiling with more types of fabric than the Pope has cardinals.

Speaking of the new Pope, the news here was greeted with church bells ringing mid-day. But even this very Catholic country is cynical: the former Pope has been called "Joey the Rat" and the new Pope "Franky from the South End".

Otherwise, here are the headlines. Rick gets blood pressure checked, orderly's hair resembles Little Richard. Surf's up during recent winds. Rose from Eva's funeral committed to the sea. Pat exchanges paperback novels in hotel lobbies. Mexico's first hostel, Rick's crashpad over the years, still here ----- PocNa. Sand piling up, like surf in winds mentioned above. Many old Honda motorbikes on the island, but no one wants to sell. As I said, all the news is so-so/sew-sew!

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