Sunday, April 7, 2013


Mother Nature giving mixed signals this week! We've had sun, rain, wind, cold, warm, fog, and snow. Up here you can see what's coming ---- like the first picture: a snow squall that became our white-out moments later. But the calendar says Spring has sprung so there's no holding back for the forsythia buds, robins, drowsy raccoons, curious deer, or The Gardener removing protective lattice from the shrubs.The bulbs are up (guess what colour they'll be??) and the pond fish would be too, except the icehole still freezes overnight and thaws in the daytime. Great for maple syrup sap running, not so good for the fish eager to break the surface.

The crocuses (croci?? crow-cusses??) still seem to be celebrating last week's Easter with their traditional yellow-and-purple display. And the turkey tracks in all directions seem to back up the local weather dilemma ---- which way are we going, anyhow?!?

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