Sunday, March 17, 2013


A fireball of a sunset last night seemed to predict the hot and hectic day today, another worldwide celebration of St. Pat-Rick. (Did I spell it wrong, again??) With the luck of the Mexican-Irish, we got into a totally unexpected triathlon, sort of. First we did the bike part, except it was an hour's rental of a 125 Honda to tour the outer peninsula.

Then this morning a running club event took over the main shore road. See the sign --- it says 14 APRIL! Maybe it was last year's sign?? Anyway, it had all the usual roadrace bits, including a guy who ran the whole course balancing a soccer ball on his head, and cheers for all the finishers.

But the best spectacle of the day was at our snorkeling cove. A pastor and flock from the Church of God  arrived for what looked like a church picnic. Instead, a sand-side service was held with singing and preaching. Then the group gingerly walked over the rocks and 4 of them were baptized in the sea! I felt like cheering and clapping for each, like at a swim meet, but the only sound the locals made was the click and whirr of their cameras. Do you think they went out for green beer after?? Would you, with salt water up your nose??

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