Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Like Fish Out of Water

We now have a killer pond, and I don't mean that in a good way. Oh sure, the pond has always needed a lot of attention. It is treated for algae and sludge (=scum, see photo) every season. The plants are lovingly chosen, prepared, and positioned. The waterfall is a constant circulating aeration device to provide oxygen. A product called Clear Fast does just that when the water gets cloudy/soupy.
But the fish started gulping yesterday as if they couldn't breathe. 20 of the 30 fish in the pond have died so far. Many were born in this pond and have known no other universe. Smallest fish (2 inches or less) are affected first, then medium-sized (2-4 inches). So far the biggest (5 or 6 in.) are OK, although sluggish or gulping.
We have pumped out about 15% of the water and replaced it with fresh. We are running another jet pump for aeration. We went to our local pond shop expert for tests on everything but the ozone layer. Evidence points to a lack of oxygen, maybe from the recent heat wave. Not parasites, not nitrates, not nitrites, not pH, not ammonia, etc.
Not the biggest problem in the world, but both of us are stumped and feel responsible for these finny friends.

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