Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How Are They Hangin'?

Blogger's Note: Blogspot is still not working properly, so all these posts have less content than usual. Also, Followers have not been able to post comments. Keep trying.
Laundry is always dried on a clothesline up here. As part of this season's work, we put in a new clothesline pole (also known as a "tree trunk"). So the line is longer and stronger. But the argument rages on about how to hang the clothes. One of us was raised to be neat and organized in all things, so the hanging reflects that. That person hangs by colour, by type of clothing, by size, or by gender!! The other person is just satisfied to hang piece by piece as it comes out of the laundry basket. What's the big deal, right? Is there an inspector hiding in the bushes??
So have a look. Which type are you (if you were to use a clothesline)? How are they hangin' at your place? Or in this sweltering heat wave, may be I should say how are they drooping??

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