Saturday, July 2, 2011

From Black Dots to Green Hops

One of the most fascinating things up here is the (22' diameter)pond which we created by digging a hole in a former patch of poison ivy (and then learning how to build a pond!). We have put in starter fish but other creatures such as salamanders and garter snakes have just shown up from who-knows-where. Add waterfalls, lillies, floating hearts, and dragonflies and it's mesmerizing.
Then there's the frogs. It has been absolutely amazing to watch as they go through their whole life cycle right here in the pond. In the spring they emerge from the silt bottom or mucky winter hideouts. Then they croak like nature's original Facebook ---- "can I be your Friend??" Then there's some tweets, no longer than 140 croaks and grumps. Then in quick succession there's mating (note froggy-style) and blobs of eggs that appear as black dots. The parent-frogs actually try to protect the dots when I lean over to get a better look!
The dots become wiggly dashes. Then tadpoles, then tadpoles with legs sprouting. Then the frog-child crawls out on a lilly pad as if to say "I'm the king of the world, where's my mosquito dinner??" Instead, the tail gets absorbed as food over a week. The result is adult frogs sunning on the rock edge or lounging in the greenery. Anybody ready to kiss a prince??

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