Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembrance Day

As far as I know, neither the Canadian parliament nor the US congress has declared war on any nation for decades. Instead, there are invasions based on lies, illegal occupations, and the blind following the blind. Wouldn't you fight back if a cruise missile slammed into your house? Wouldn't you be angry if foreigners propped up a corrupt government that only makes your day-to-day life worse?

Now that that's off my chest, today we commemorate some real wars that were fought for true freedoms. In Canada and the UK, blood-red poppies symbolize the bravery in long-ago battles, and the eternal vigil not to forget. My father had gone through basic training in 1945 and was ready to be shipped to the front lines. My only personal military memory is parading around as a (compulsory) army cadet in high school ---- itchy woolen uniform and heavy .303 rifle on my shoulder.

As in every town back home, there is a cenotaph/monument here honouring locals who died in the World Wars. We're wearing our poppies on the street today, hoping someone will notice and no one will forget.

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