Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Cat's Out of the Bag

We drove away from home yesterday about 3am because it's 3 hours to the Toronto Airport, then parking and shuttling and checking-in etc. All of that was expected and the weather was great for flying, but then the day went un-ordinary. Seated next to us were about 12 Mexican apiarists (Google anyone?? It means bee-keepers) who had spent the summer in Alberta tending hives. First chance to brush up on our Spanish as we learned it was a poor season due to heavy rains and then cool days. Interesting, though, as I know Canada also has many "guest workers" in Ontario picking apples or tomatoes or whatever. They're OK by me.

Great views (including our island on approach) out my window seat although Brandy seemed more interested in the safety instructions. But in the customs area of Cancun Airport, the cat was out of the bag. Despite our vet's assurances that we had all the necessary papers, the Mexican Health Officials quarantined Brandy on the spot for lack of Document X. Seems the law had changed in August --- who knew?? Lots of explanations but no release until a Vet was summoned to come out and go through the show of examining her and medicating her and pronouncing her safe!! $70U.S. for ransom and more paper. Oh, and an hour delay (which is lightning speed around here!).

Next was the bus to town. Another argument, another loss as Brandy was forced to ride in the cargo compartment of a huge bus. Big worry and guilt as we held our breath for 25 minutes so that Brandy wouldn't lose hers! Turns out she took it better than us. All was OK and the taxi and ferry to our island followed without incident. In fact, the cat got as much attention from the locals as my old Mustang does in Canada.

We arrived before dark (2 hours more light than home) but had been in transit for 18 hours. A few groceries for the morning, water and treats for Brandy The ToughOne, and all of us crashed in our new home with thunderclouds looming.


  1. I recognize that "fish" island. I am envious.

  2. Poor kitty, Brandy deserves an extra treat tonight!
