Saturday, August 18, 2012


The surgery on Thursday went really well and I'm trying to convince them to let me out before the mandatory 5-day post-op.The irony was that 2 weeks ago I sold the 64 1/2 Mustang and this week I got 4 1/2 bypasses. The doc said the 4th bit was extra long, so he called it a 4 1/2!

They took replacement vessels from my right leg, left arm, and one internal artery. I look like a lamb that's been half-shaven And I got 2 toys --- a red pillow to hug to my chest to cushion the stitches. And a 3-chamber flute-like thing to show how hard I can breathe.

But I'm not used to being fussed over so much. And I have given more blood and taken more pills in the last 10 days than all my life til now. Enough already!

1 comment:

  1. We were relieved and thrilled to receive Pat's email that everything went well. Take it easy and get lots of rest..... you'll be home and healing in no time! xoxoxox
