Sunday, August 26, 2012


For the next few weeks I'll be posting a summary on Sunday. Unless something unusual happens, look for these wrap-ups on Sunday....

It has been 10 days since the surgery and it's a joy to see the sunrise out the front window. The worst lingering effect is not pain but lack of sleep. There is a sensation of tightness and tender prickliness in my chest, presumably because the breastbone is trying to knit back together. The meds are being doled out scrupulously by my own personal Nurse Ratchet, like Pavlov giving treats to the dog. But I repeat, the worst is a zombie feeling of very very little sleep.

Life goes on. Out here in rural-land, we became eligible for free satellite TV but only the 7 Canadian channels that got cut off in the switch to digital. Still, a pretty good deal and way more choice than we're used to. We gave away our 15' above ground pool to a deserving mom and her 20-year old twins. Also in our Urge To Purge, we donated a little-used telescope to a silent auction for the local astronomy club. It feels good to give stuff away to worthy recipients.

I'm not supposed to do any serious exertion yet, just specific exercises. So there's been a role reversal ---- for example, Pat does the lawn mowing and I Swiffer!! (Thanks, John, for reminding me to dust behind the refrigerator; I would have missed that spot for sure!) It will be a long road back to full strength but in the meantime it's great to wake up and smell the black-eyed Susans or the bluey Obedient plant. Go out and see for yourself!

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