Thursday, January 28, 2010

Language Quiz from the Streets

(Weather Update: A brutal coldspell is not predicted for this weekend, in fact it will continue to be around +10C. So this month will have been the warmest January in Vancouver on record. VANOC has given up hoping for snow at the snowboarding venue and has started to move and spread snow from an adjoining mountain. How do you say "overbudget" in the languages below?!? )

If signs were snow, Vancouver would be under deep drifts of the stuff! There are Olympic banners, fence wraps, transit messages, official vehicles and the ubiquitous "look" of the Games in green, blue, and white everywhere. But the simplest and most heartfelt signage may be the series of small understated ones that say "Welcome" in more than 60 languages. We spotted the ones below on a walk along Robson Street.

Suggestion: The signs should have said what language they were in, for those who aren't familiar. Then pedestrians could have had a language lesson on the street! See if you can match the pictures with these languages:


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