Sunday, June 25, 2017

WHEN COD WAS GOD (#2 of 3 posts today)

Within sight from St. Pierre and a 10-minute ferry ride is Ile de Marins (“Mariners Island”). These pictures are all from the same day --- the fog comes and goes like the ghosts on the island. A historic settlement over the centuries, all based on fishing for cod when the waters were full. From the 1500’s to 1966 this little island was a complete world of homes, schools, church, sports --- but mostly fishing.

Info plaques describe the functions and historic changes to the buildings on the trails. Pat embraced the house where women did the washing --- “ le lavoir”.

While the men were out at sea, the women did most of the other tasks. But 8 to 16 year-old orphans were brought over to work just as hard, and with just as much abuse and poverty. 20% of the island was covered with these rock fields; the cod was laid out on the stones to dry. The cemetery showed the major influence of the Catholic church, like a replica of the 12 stations of the cross. But there is also evidence of hockey!

The little ferry took us back to St. Pierre (the patron saint of fishermen) as the fog again lifted and shut. Can you pick out our red-sided Chez Marie Jo?

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