Wednesday, June 28, 2017


This was SPECIAL! Down a long sideroad to the bottom of the Avalon Peninsula is Cape St. Mary's. In the middle of flat treeless rocky plains stands a Welcoming Centre, like a ghost of the settlers here in the 1500's. But it's for real, and at the end of a 2km hike that could break both your ankles is an awesome show of nature to take away your breath (and not just from the smell of guano!)..

The most thrilling sight of 70,000 pairs of  Murres, Kittiwakes, Razorbills ---- but mostly 20,000 nesting pairs of Northern Gannets!! The "bird rock" is perfectly niched and ledged and shelved and crested for all these winged wonders. Hard to describe the scene in words, so here are a few of the hundreds of pix...

It's the largest accessible colony of Gannets, the most southerly colony of Murres, the biggest flocks of Guillemots, and other superlatives. Spectacular. jaw-dropping, ultimate, the highlight of the trip.

Forgive this selfie, it's a record of a rare other-worldly feeling. And then up the coast we saw a familiar iceberg --- can you see the gannet dipping it's neck??

And for a full sense of the scene, here are some captivating raw videos. Click on the link and turn up the volume!

Bird Rock Newfoundland

AND click on this screen for intimate closeups!!

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