Sunday, June 4, 2017


We are into Week 5 with no water in the house. We're coping but it's getting really old. Anybody out there want to turn off their water in empathy?? 

Texts have been flying to and from John the Plumber saying how unusual the situation is. Unusual like descending into a dark pit? You can see the new fittings at the shore intake. But better late than never, we got a 200-gallon tank to prepare for the next time. The Catch 22 is we can't fill this back-up tank until the front-up system is working OK!!

A daytrip to Toronto to get away from the water woes. Good old Wineva is looking mighty tempting these days --- we're like the swallows that want to return to Capistrano! My annual cardiac stress test went excellent --- even with that extreme  steep incline on the treadmill. Back in Owen Sound we see a crash between a Caravan and a Ranger. I've had both, I feel their pain.

On the critter front, nesting and feeding is underway. Momma Robin won't budge. A rare (and blurred, sorry) sighting of  the giant pileated woodpecker. And a squirrel managed to crawl inside the feeder ---- busted like me caught at the fridge with ice cream.

The garden is flourishing with all the rain. The grounds crew loaded up at Compost Mountain and Woodchip Hill. (U-Haul? U-betcha!) Veggies are finally going into the raised bed. And those red sticks went into a yummy pie last night!

But the preoccupation is still the plumbing problem. There is some progress --- the old pump has been taken in for a rebuild, leaving a hole in the hole. Meanwhile we're still collecting rainwater; luckily we got a deluge overnight. So I guess that mythical glass is half full?? Maybe there's a pot of water at the end of the rainbow...

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