Thursday, September 22, 2011

Skunk 1, Fox 0

After all the big jobs like concrete and propane, we haven't worked very much this past week. Last Sunday was the annual Terry Fox walk for cancer research. Pat and I have done this walk for 16 years, in honour of our sisters who have both fought the disease. On our drive to Peterborough, we thought we'd walk in a new town so we passed up our usual 8 a.m. local start to get to Port Perry by noon. Pretty town on Lake Scugog, but we were too late! The event officials had packed up. Oh oh --- rushed over to Peterborough to walk there, but same thing; it was over and deserted. Big disappointment because we look forward to the festive mood and the free apples. But mostly we wanted the sticker for our certificates. We'll walk the 10k anyway, and we'll get the sticker from the Toronto headquarters when we send in our donation. But just not the same.
In the meantime it's the last day of summer. The haw berries have been falling for weeks. the pool has more leaves than water. And my shadow looks like Gumby. The days are so short even the skunk has to have dinner daily before 5pm. Is that a senior discount??

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