Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ottawa One Day Late --- Saved By the Students

Took a much-needed break by going to Ottawa for the last 3 days. One day after Labour Day, they DO roll up the sidewalks! No Sound and Light show on Parliament Hill, no tours, and the tourist office closed at 5pm sharp, despite a gaggle of Italians pleading at the door. No school groups in the museums, no buskers at Byward Market, no boats in the canal.
Thank god for the students! First week at the U. of Ottawa is full of initiation rituals, dorm-finding, and the club crawl where newbies can sign up for anything from the Green Beings to the Polish-Ukranian Club (my fave). As usual, the engineers were the dirtiest (verbally and literally) as the freshmen/women jumped into the weedy muddy coldy Rideau Canal.
The Aviation Museum reminded of the awesome flying machines and flyers. Exhibits from the first Canadian flight (hint: Silver Dart), through warcraft, to Canada's dozen astronauts. And we couldn't resist dancing through an outdoor piece of art called Fanfare, which plays a different catchy tune every time you go through. Neat.
Over to Quebec for different views and the statue of hockey great Rocket Richard. Unlike official Ottawa, he never quit early!

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