Friday, September 23, 2011

RubberMaid and Lily

Here's something you won't see on those home and garden shows (or on YouTube?). It's the annual pond cleaning and giving-the-lilies-a-brushcut. The pond is a self-enclosed ecosystem so any dead vegetation would eventually suck up all the oxygen from the water. Not good for fish, frogs, snails, or salamanders. So each autumn the pond level is lowered and RubberMaid (note Cousteau Cap) goes in with muscles (no, not mussels) and scissors. The fish are as curious as cats, wondering what's going on in their school.
It's amazing how much growth has to be trimmed off. Out of water, the lily stems look like spaghetti. And dead rootballs look like a Hallowe'en fright wig. Anyone need a costume? --- rubber suit and lily wigs now available.

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