Sunday, May 24, 2020


Absolutely the most glorious time of year up here. Sunrise is new and spectacular daily, like a box of chocolates with only your favourites. Dandelions join trilliums as Ontario's official flower. Asparagus is always the newest veggie from the garden. And new yahoos on the water --- can't be the usual Americans, the border's closed!

New handrails on the outside steps. Hard to get used to using them!

With the market closed, the gardener had to go to the source for this year's new plants. Car full!

Up in the shed loft, a new pile of yuck from wintering critters. Creepy crawly to clean it out. But a new treasure revealed --- dozens of heritage canning jars. Grandma's and mom's and some real artifacts.

Gotta plant all those new green things before it rains today. Regular beds, raised beds, and new woodland plants in Pear Tree Circle.

New problem. The 1200 litre backup water cube collapsed its platform, almost crushing into the greenhouse. Too heavy to lift, a hole had to be drilled to drain it. Next time --- cement blocks!

New varieties out front, after the first mow of the year. New herbs like parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.

New living things for the pond. New fish are decorative but new water hyacinth keeps the water clean and clear. Eight fish, 60 hyacinth!

On a daytrip to our Toronto neighbourhood, a new sense of store closures, restrictions, and loss of vibe. RIP, Beach!

Latest blossoms? Cherry, pear, apple, forsythia and tulips that seem to come and go quickly this time.

New bird! First time ever a scarlet tanager at the barn and then up the hill. A red challenge to the blue bunting. And then just for emphasis --- two of them!!

New things to come. Nesting and mating out there. And a new car on the road ---- is that who you think it is?!?!?

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