Sunday, May 17, 2020


A holiday weekend in Canada but with many restrictions and cancellations. This being a Sunday, does this sunrise cross look like a bad omen or a good?...

Spring weather has included clear sunrises changing to pouring rain, wispy ground fog, some promising warmth, and sunsets moving further north.

Pat's had a busy week. A garden bouquet for a special friend. Tilling up the garden for more veggies this year. Shovel and barrow for the raised bed.

More fun to sew face masks from remnants of fabric from faraway lands. Or to prep and medicate the pond. And not one bird rescue this week, but two!

Meanwhile The Guy does some tilling of his own near the barn and on the topsoil mound. And after all these years it's time to put in some handrails....delayed because the lumber yard is closed today!

It's the annual busiest bird movement, or Peak Beak. Waves of warblers, choirs of birdsong, nest-making, and one-day wonders stopping by. Colours and combinations only seen at this time of year.

Two OMG's happened. The elusive indigo bunting showed up for portraits while having its first meal since South Carolina. How can feathers get so blue?

The other was the sometimes heard but seldom seen brown thrasher, arriving from Texas. Like many of the birds this year they are more calm, less skittish, comfortable being watched. Is this because of reduced human activity and car traffic out there?

The week also featured first tulips, marsh marigolds, emerging trillium but that's for another day. Here's an update on the mallards that showed up last week. We're not so happy about them taking over the pond because they might eat fish, frogs, eggs, and anything else in the pond. Honestly, I thought ducks were strictly vegetarian --- didn't you? But the problem might solve itself. On Monday it looked like the female had been replaced by another male ---- same sex ducking?!? By Wednesday the shunned female seemed to be moping around the fence, not a quick duck to be had. But Friday the original couple had reconciled. Will they stay together or should she tell him to duck off?

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