Sunday, April 21, 2013


The past week started with the horrible events in Boston. It looked bleak in Massachusetts, and out our window too. But things improved in Watertown and here, quickly. Some snow still crouches in the shadows, like a suspect hiding in a boat. But warmer days melted the pond ice enough that the fish and frogs reappeared, proof of Nature's Magic Show. The winner of The First Daffodil marathon is a bulb planted on the sunny side of the hill.

By Thursday events turned to a sprint. After the drive to Toronto, a tornado ripped a barn apart and threw the pieces across the highway we had passed only hours before! Daffodils and other spring blooms were 2 or 3 weeks ahead of ours --- 130 miles north. I passed my final rehab assessment with flying (biking??) colours. My long-distance coach Kanika was just as proud/happy about it as we are! It was so exciting and gratifying Pat bought me a graduation present. I can now bash my Fender (guitar, not car) that I've wanted to get back to for years. Should I say "stay TUNED"??

Then we had snow and a freeze again. Doves tried to sip through the ice of the bird water. Passengers on the first run of the local ferry couldn't sip in the cold outside either! And we've had the first bear damage of the spring with smashed feeders and claw holes in a drain pipe. I hope your house isn't as bear as this one...

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